
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. The open source city as the transnational democratic future State of Power 2016

    • New Politics
    • Digital Futures
    Report by
    Bernardo Gutiérrez
    Publication date:
    Cover of Open Source City essay
  2. Democracy, power and sovereignty in today’s Europe State of Power 2016

    State of Power
    Report by
    • Nick Buxton
    • Yanis Varoufakis
    Publication date:
  3. Freedom technologists and the future of global justice State of Power 2016

    • New Politics
    • Digital Futures
    Report by
    John Postill
    Publication date:
  4. Power in India: radical pathways State of power 2016

    New Politics
    Report by
    • Ashish Kothari
    • Pallav Das
    Publication date:
  5. Cannabis in Indonesia Patterns in consumption, production, and policies

    Policy briefing by
    • Dania Putri
    • Tom Blickman
    Publication date:
  6. Who does the World Economic Forum really represent? An analysis of the ‘Davos Class’

    State of Power
    Publication date:
  7. Who are the Davos class?

    State of Power
    Publication date:
    Re-Asserting Control: Voluntary Return, Restitution and the Right to Land for IDPs and Refugees in Myanmar - cover
  8. No Women, No Peace: Gender Equality, Conflict and Peace in Myanmar

    Ethnic Conflict in Myanmar
    Policy briefing
    Publication date:
  9. Tax evasion and weapon production: Letterbox arms companies in the Netherlands

    Report by
    Martin Broek
    Publication date:
  10. The 2015 General Election in Myanmar: What Now for Ethnic Politics?

    • Myanmar Elections
    • Ethnic Conflict in Myanmar
    Policy briefing
    Publication date:

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