
Upcoming events

TNI events bring together thinkers and activists to analyse critical global issues and put forward transformative alternatives and solutions. Our focus is transnational, highlighting the global context and dimensions of different crises, as well as profiling the social movements, especially those in the Global South, that are leading struggles for justice.

Missed a recent webinar? Don't worry, we recorded them so you can catch up in the past events section below.

  1. Teach-in on Daniel Jadue

    Event date:
    - CET
    Event flyer
    Event type: Webinar
    Event location: ZOOM

    Daniel Jadue is a former activist mayor of Recoleta, the immigrant district of Santiago, Chile. During his term, he implemented many radical municipalist reforms including setting up a people’s university, libraries, and pharmacies that sold medication at cost. Sadly, he’s the victim of a rightwing attack on his people’s pharmacies and has been incarcerated since June 2024. He is currently under house arrest.

  2. TNI 50th Anniversary Celebration: Brussels Edition

    Event date:
    - CET
    Flyer brussels event
    Event type: Event
    Event location: Sounds Jazz Club, Rue da la Tulipe 28, Brussels

    Join us in Brussels as we celebrate TNI’s 50th anniversary with those who have been our allies over the past 50 years, as we continue to advocate for people and the planet in the years to come!

Past events

  1. ‘Green’ Industrial Policy Challenges and Perspectives for Latin America in the Framework of the Global Energy Transition : International Seminar | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 10-12 October 2024

    Event dates:
    Sunset, Factory, Buildings
    Event type: Event
    • Just Transition
    • Green Economy

    The international seminar is an initiative of the Amsterdam-based Transnational Institute (TNI) and the GreenPaths/European Knowledge Hub on Just Transition Pathways project of the Horizon Europe research programme (grant agreement 101112305), in partnership with the GRIP-ARM/Green Industrial Policy in the Age of Rare Metals project of the European Research Council (grant number 9500565) and the Postgraduate Programme in Political Sociology, University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro, at the Universidade Candido Mendes, Brazil.

  2. Boris Kagarlitsky and the challenges of the left today : Online conference

    Event date:
    - CET
    Event type: Event
    Event location: ZOOM
    • Authoritarianism
    • New Politics

    Ever defiant in the face of repression and a five-year jail term, Boris Kagarlitsky, Russia’s best-known socialist thinker, has just published his latest book, The Long Retreat: Strategies to Reverse the Decline of the Left.This special online conference in Kagarlitsky’s honour will address the double aspect of his contribution: his wide-ranging analysis of the left’s dilemmas in the face of multiple global crises and the advance of the far right; and his resistance — together with other persecuted anti-war activists in the Russian Federation — to the authoritarianism of the regime of Vladimir Putin.

  3. IGNITE! Festival of Radical Ideas : Activist Conference (Day 2)

    Event date:
    - CET
    Cover image
    Event type: Event
    Event location: Ru Pare, Chris Lebeaustraat 4, 1062 DC Amsterdam
    IGNITE! Festival of Radical Ideas Activist Conference (Day 2)

    Day two of the Ignite! Festival will include a series of insightful plenaries and interactive workshops at Ru Pare, featuring TNI staff, fellowship participants, and dedicated Dutch activists. This day focuses on tackling some of the most pressing challenges of our time while showcasing the vital work of TNI and its social movement allies.

  4. IGNITE! : Festival of Radical Ideas

    Event date:
    - CET
    Ignite flyer
    Event type: Event
    Event location: Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
    • Climate Crisis
    • Just Transition
    • Stop Corporate Impunity
    • Finance
    • Middle East and North Africa
    IGNITE! Festival of Radical Ideas

    At Ignite!, we came together to explore this pivotal political moment and discuss what true system change looks like and how to achieve it. The event, held on Friday, September 27th at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam, fostered meaningful discussions about the future we must build.Day 1 (7pm, 27th): Opening Night at Pakhuis with Jason Hickel, Jayati Ghosh, Abir Kopty, Jerome Roos, Aderonke Ige and Shishani (all details below)Day 2 (28th): Activist conference at Ru Pare

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50 years. Hundreds of social struggles. Countless ideas turned into movement. 

Support us as we celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2024.

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