
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. At what cost? Funding the EU’s security, defence, and border policies, 2021–2027

    EU Militarism and War Policies
    Report by
    • Chris Jones
    • Jane Kilpatrick
    • Yasha Maccanico
    Publication date:
  2. Fanning the Flames How the European Union is fuelling a new arms race

    • Border Wars
    • EU Militarism and War Policies
    Report by
    • Mark Akkerman
    • Pere Brunet
    • Andrew Feinstein
    • Tony Fortin
    • Angela Hegarty
    • Niamh Ní Bhriain
    • Joaquín Rodriguez Alvarez
    • Laëtitia Sédou
    • Alix Smidman
    • Josephine Solanki
    Publication date:
  3. Women and Drugs in Myanmar A primer

    • Producers of Crops
    • Drug Policy in Myanmar
    • Human Rights and Drugs
    Primer by
    • Dania Putri
    • Ernestien Jensema
    Publication date:
  4. Cashing in on Crisis How the world's largest investors fuel and profit from climate change and border militarization

    • Climate Security
    • Border Wars
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  5. The EU-Mercosur free trade agreement A critical analysis and an alternative

    Free Trade Agreements
    Report by
    • Nick Middeldorp
    • Tjalling Postma
    • Guus Geurts
    • Sara Murawski
    Publication date:
  6. The Promises and Perils of Investor-Driven Fintech Forging People-Centered alternatives

    Digital Futures
    Paper by
    • Milford Bateman
    • Fernando Amorim Teixeira
    Publication date:
  7. Mapping Multistakeholderism in Global Governance Navigate the database

    Publication date:
  8. The Great Takeover Mapping of Multistakeholderism in Global Governance

    Book by
    • Mary Ann Manahan
    • Madhuresh Kumar
    Publication date:
  9. Poppy Farmers Under Pressure Causes and Consequences of the Opium Decline in Myanmar

    • Producers of Crops
    • Drug Policy in Myanmar
    Report by
    Transnational Institute
    Publication date:
  10. How do communities support fisheries? The who, what, why and how of community supported fisheries

    Fisheries and Fisher peoples
    Policy briefing by
    • Thibault Josse
    • Zoe Brent
    Publication date: