Public Services in Europe From privatisation to participation

Fecha de publicación:

The future of public services is the subject of conflict in Europe. Believers in privatisation and liberalization stand face to face with those that see the risks. Eurotopia Issue 4 goes into examples of failure and offers a look at successful alternatives to privatisation.

Sobre public services in europe

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Eurotopia No. 4

Across Europe a major conflict is raging over the future of public services. On the one hand are those who believe that privatisation and liberalization is the only way to meet the needs of consumers, improve the efficiency of public finances and create a common European market allowing enterprises, professionals and workers to move freely. On the other hand are those who highlight the risks of privatising services that have been historically guaranteed and protected by the state, thereby depriving the public of democratic control over the way that their taxes are spent.



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Pages: 16

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