Harris Gleckman Associate

Our people — Associate

Harris Gleckman is a senior fellow at the Center for Governance and Sustainability at the University of Massachusetts Boston and Director of Benchmark Environmental Consulting. He has a PhD in Sociology from Brandeis University.

Contacta con Harris Gleckman

Harris was a staff member of the UN Centre on Transnational Corporations, head of the NY office of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and an early member of the staff for the 2002 Monterey Conference on Financing for Development. His current areas of interests are multistakeholderism (2018 Routledge book), multistakeholderism and power relations in the North’s response to COVID (2022 TNI and FOEI report), and democratic global governance with the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability.

See Harris Gleckman's Linkedin profile.

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