TNI in 1989

TNI organises series of debates on 'The Technological Culture'.


1 January


Diana de Vegh succeeds Robert Borosage as the new IPS director.


22 January


Susan George speaks at the Balie on 'Technical Fix; the technological culture in the Third World'. The lecture is followed by a debate and discussion with Max van den Berg (NOVIB).


13 June


Mary Kaldor participates in a debate at 'De Balie' entitled 'High Tech Weapons out of control' on new military technologies as a threat for the stability between East and West. Opponent in the debate is Lt General Berkhof, member of the Atlantic Committee. The debate is part of a series of debates: The Technological Culture.


19 November


Start with the lecture series 'The Collective Memory' in cooperation with NOVIB and De Balie. First lecture is by Sal Santen. The series run till May 1990.


28 December


The BBC documentary 'A fate worse than debt', based on Susan George's book is broadcasted.


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