
Ed Janss, philanthropist and underwater photographer based in California, owns a building in Amsterdam. The building at Paulus Potterstraat 20 was used by Californian artists to work and get a sense of European atmosphere in the arts.








9 October

Closerie des Lilas
Boulevard Montparnasse
Paris, birthplace of TNI

Meeting in Paris at La Closerie des Lilas to explore possibilities and discuss the ideas for a TNI in Europe. Samuel Rubin, Peter Weiss, Richard Barnet and Marcus Raskin come over from the US to present their ideas. The meeting is organised by Susan George and Marie Jolas. Among the invitees are Jean Paul Sartre, Roland Barthes, Simone de Beauvoir, Michel Foucault, Claude Bourdet, Michel Rocard, André Görz and Claude Julien. A similar meeting is held in 'Café de Paris', Regent Street in London.

Link: Samuel Rubin's dinner speech

Ideas en movimiento

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