Reclaiming Energy "Green" Multinationals hijacked the Energy Transition: Public Power can save it

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The planet is likely to surpass the 1.5C global warming threshold. At the same time, Bloomberg New Energy Finance has recently stated that “the outlook for energy transition (looks) extremely bright.” What’s going wrong? This webinar exposes the business models of “green” multinationals, alongside the private market model that underpins them. Find out how these companies are wrecking the climate and preventing policy makers, social movements and communities from building real solutions: public power systems that can democratically decarbonise society.


Video de

  • Olivier Petitjean
  • Jaybee Garganera
  • Alejandra Lozano
  • Clémence Dubois
  • Rana Adib

This webinar will expose the business models of “green” multinationals, alongside the private market model that underpins them. Join us, and find out how these companies are wrecking the climate and preventing policy makers, social movements and communities from building real solutions: public power systems that can democratically decarbonise society.

Hear more about how the Energy Democracy declaration can contribute to increasingly powerful and connected labour and environmental justice movements. Only in concert, will they force governments to dismantle the for-profit market model and instead ensure that energy workers and users can participate in building truly just, democratic and sustainable public energy systems. Check

Speakers and panelists:

  • Alejandra Lozano, Global Initiative for Economic Social and Cutural Right
  • Olivier Petitjean, Multinational Observatory
  • Clemence Dubois,
  • Lavinia Steinfort, Transnational Institute
  • Rana Adib, REN21
  • Jaybee Garganera, ATM, Alyansa Tigil MIna / Alliance to Stop Mining

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