How to move towards an anti-racist horizon Webinar recording

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2020 will be remembered not just for the pandemic, but also as a year of radical anti-racist uprisings, under the banner of Black Lives Matter (BLM), in the US and beyond. A unique panel of leading anti-racist scholars and activists from Brazil, the US, the UK and Morocco share from their own experiences of struggle and discuss how we can build long-lasting transformative racial justice movements.


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  • Ilyas Nagdee, activist, writer with a focus on policing, security and antiracism, former Black Students Officer for the National Union of Students, UK 
  • Juliana Borges, Author of "Encarceramento em massa” (Mass Incarceration) and “Prisões: espelhos de nós" (Prisons: Mirrors of us) and columnist of Claudia Magazine, Brazil. 
  • Miriyam Aouragh, Anthropologist, internet researcher, anti-racist campaigner, Morocco/Netherlands 
  • Khury Petersen-Smith, activist and researcher at Institute for Policy Studies who focuses on Black liberation, Palestine solidarity, and ending US empire.

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