Power, empire and US elections: internationalist perspectives Webinar recording

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Four activist scholars reflect on the 2020 US elections. The attention to Trump has distracted from Biden's agenda. How will his administration reshape geopolitics and global governance, for poverty and war, for migration and climate, for democracy and tyranny around the world? What will the elections mean for the current set of authoritarian rulers around the world, and what will they mean for progressive forces worldwide? What will be the challenges and opportunities for campaigns committed to social and environmental justice?


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  • Phyllis Bennis, New Internationalism Project at Institute for Policy Studies, author of Challenging Empire: How People, Governments and the UN Defy U.S. Power 
  • Walden Bello, TNI associate & author of Paper Dragons: China and the Next Crash (2019) and Capitalism’s Last Stand?: Deglobalization in the Age of Austerity (2013) 
  • Cathy Feingold, Director of the AFL-CIO’s International Department, Deputy President of the International Trade Union Confederation 
  • Bill Fletcher, Jr., executive editor of globalafricanworker.com, a past president of TransAfrica Forum, and a long-time writer and trade unionist. 

Moderator: Laura Flanders, journalist and host of the Laura Flanders Show.

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