Building an internationalist response to Covid-19 Webinar recording


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Recording of first weekly webinar TNI organised on the different dimensions of COVID-19. The first webinar took place on 1 April 2020 on the global dimensions of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and how social movements could respond.


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The panel featured the following guests:

  • Sonia Shah, author of Pandemic: Tracking contagions from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond (2017)
  • Luis Ortiz Hernandez, public health professor in UAM-Xochimilco, Mexico. Expert on social and economic health inequities.
  • Benny Kuruvilla, Head of India Office, Focus on the Global South, working closely with Forum For Trade Justice.
  • Mazibuko Jara, Deputy Director, Tshisimani Centre for Activist Education, helping to coordinate a national platform of civic organisations in South Africa to confront COVID-19.
  • Umyra Ahmad, Advancing Universal Rights and Justice Associate, Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID), Malaysia

This webinar was co-sponsored by Alternative Information and Development Centre, South Africa and Focus on the Global South/Asia.

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