The Racist Roots of the War on Terror Arun Kundnani in conversation with Deepa Kumar

Fecha de publicación:
51:20 minutos

Twenty years on, America has chaotically pulled out of the war in Afghanistan with nothing much to show for it, and the war on terror appears to have achieved very little, except to cause more terror and to  bring America’s violence to more parts of the world. 


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In this fascinating conversation,  Arun Kundnani interviews Deepa Kumar, who traces the longer historical roots of the War on Terror and how it racialised and targeted Arab and Muslim communities well before 9/11. 

Deepa Kumar is the author of the recently published book, Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire: Twenty Years after 9/11. Arun Kundnani is a TNI associate and author of the The Muslims are Coming! Islamophobia, extremism, and the domestic War on Terror.

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