Annual report 2019

Fecha de publicación:

Dubbed the ‘year of protest’, 2019 saw millions of people take to the streets on every continent.

There was plenty to protest. Deepening inequality, rising cost of living, autocratic governments, discrimination, and the concentration of wealth and power into fewer and fewer hands. Many protests were met with brutal repression, but this did not quell the fight for dignity and freedom. 

TNI stood alongside and in support of these movements, as we have consistently done for all 46 years of our existence. We have provided research and logistical support and put forward proposals that can bring about social and ecological transformation. Read more.


TNI Annual report 2019 (PDF, 2.6 MB)
Tiempo medio de lectura: 15 minutos*

Sobre annual report 2019

Tipo de publicación
Annual report
Part of series
Annual Reports

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