Report of the workshop portion of the International Workshop and Conference on Alternative Development (ICAD)

Fecha de publicación:

The present report has been prepared pursuant to Commission on Narcotic Drugs resolution 53/6 entitled “Follow-up to the promotion of best practices and lessons learned for the sustainability and integrality of alternative development programmes and the proposal to organize an international workshop and conference on alternative development” and resolution 54/4, entitled “Follow-up on the proposal to organize an international workshop and conference on alternative development”.

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Sobre report of the workshop portion of the international workshop and conference on alternative development (icad)

The resolution welcomed the proposal of Peru and Thailand to host an international workshop and conference on alternative development in order to gather inputs and contributions and to assess past and ongoing efforts for the future endeavor of developing a set of international guiding principles to serve as guidelines for more effective alternative development programmes in drug-producing areas, to be considered by the high-level representatives attending this Workshop and Conference. This report conveys the outcome of the Workshop portion of the two part event and complies with the request to the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to report to the Commission at its fifty-fifth session to be held in March 2012 in Vienna.

The International Workshop and Conference on Alternative Development (ICAD)
November 16, 2011

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