Towards a harm reduction approach to enforcement

Fecha de publicación:

Harm-reduction as a policy goal implies targeting directly drug-related harms rather than drug use itself. So far it has been largely a public health sector movement, focused on harms to users, most notably from heroin overdose, injection drug use and club drugs. Harm-reduction has offered fewer solutions to the problems of drug-related crime, violence, corruption or market externalities. However, harm-reduction has potentially much broader application when applied to the entire suite of harms generated by the production, distribution, consumption and control of drugs, not just drug use.


Re-Asserting Control: Voluntary Return, Restitution and the Right to Land for IDPs and Refugees in Myanmar - cover

Sobre towards a harm reduction approach to enforcement



  • Jonathan P Caulkins
  • Peter Reuter (RAND)

Safer Communities Volume 8 Issue 1
January 2009

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