Changing the flow Water movements in Latin America

Fecha de publicación:

Twelve brief interviews with water activists from Latin America as well as declarations from a historic gathering in Cochabamba, Bolivia, in August, 2008

Sobre changing the flow

Tipo de publicación

This 55-page booklet collects twelve brief interviews with water activists from Latin America as well as declarations from a historic gathering in Cochabamba, Bolivia, in August, 2008, where leading figures in the social movements of the Americas came together to envision the way forward for community-controlled water management.

Introduction: The Rise of Water on the Global Agenda

Part One: Individual Voices

  • A Planetary Vision Adriana Marquisio, Uruguay
  • Protecting Territory, Protecting Culture Danilo Urrea, Colombia
  • We Continue to Hold the Ancestral Values Saúl Roqué Morales, Mexico
  • A New Defi nition of Hope Ana Ella Gómez, El Salvador
  • The Power that Makes Pitchers Overfl ow and Rivers Flood their Banks Erasto Reyes, Honduras
  • The Fight for a New Ideal Nelly Avendaño, Peru
  • Returning to a Culture of Water Guillermo Amorobieta, Argentina
  • Keepers of Water Juan Pablo Martines, Ecuador
  • Alternatives for Another, Possible World Mabel Melo, Brazil
  • The Challenge of Building a Public Company • Alberto Muñoz, Argentina
  • A Struggle for Life Marcela Olivera, Bolivia
  • Collective Solutions to Water and Sanitation Problems Mariela Cruz Salazar, Venezuela

Part Two: A Collective Voice

  • The Water Movement in the Americas Today
  • Collective Discussions from the Seminar, Water: Common Good, Public Management and
  • Alternatives – Alternatives to the Privatisation and Commercialisation of Water
  • Cochabamba Declaration in Defence of Water

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