Rethinking regionalisms in times of crises A collection of activists’ perspectives from Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe


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The demand for people-centred regional alternatives has been at the core of people’s struggles in Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe. This reader pulls together perspectives of social movement activists, describing the restrictive regional spaces within which they work and propose regional alternatives.

Sobre rethinking regionalisms in times of crises

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This collection of articles is intended as a contribution to strengthen the idea that people-centred regional integration is not only needed but that it is also possible. It aspires to provide social organisations with new ideas and proposals that can inspire action within their specific regions.

The reader has three sections: 1) it includes the analysis of the current situation of integration processes in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe in relation to the changes in the global scene and their specific internal dynamics; 2) it concentrates on proposals on alternative regional integration in specific areas. It features models for alternative regional financial integration in Latin America; the need to re-think the eurozone in Europe; the idea of a SAARC Food Bank in South Asia and proposals to face climate change as a region in ASEAN; and 3) it deals with social actors’ actions vis-à-vis the dynamics of regional integration.


Gonzalo Berrón, Cecilia Olivet and Graciela Rodríguez

A world in crisis: the state of regional integration five years on

Mercosur: what kind of integration is possible?
Graciela Rodríguez.

The Pacific Alliance and Unasur: Integration and disintegration in South America
Carlos Alonso Bedoya

The political economy of the Eurozone: this crisis is not an accident
Andy Storey

Regional integration and the crisis: an agenda for SAARC
Meena R. Menon

ASEAN Regional dynamics and prospects
Jenina Joy Chavez

Current trends in Southern Africa: the challenges of reclaiming SADC for people’s development
Dot Keet

Regional responses to the global economic, food and ecological crises

Aspects of financial regionalisation: a Latin American perspective
Oscar Ugarteche

Regional alternatives to a global crisis: a European perspective
Mariana Mortagua

The SAARC Food Bank: can it abet food security in South Asia?
Afsar Jafri

The ASEAN, challenges of climate changes and spaces for civil society intervention
Dorothy Grace Guerrero

Regionalism from below: the role of social actors in regional integration

Assessing Social Participation in Integration Processes in South America after a decade of progressive governments
Gonzalo Berrón

Regional movements in Europe: strategies, challenges and achievements
Sol Trumbo

Regional governance of migration: ASEAN´s conundrum and spaces for civil society intervention
Jenina Joy Chavez

People’s struggles and aspirations for regional integration in Southern Africa
Brian Ashley

Pages: 106

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