Informal Drug Policy Dialogue 2007, Rome

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The fourth informal drug policy dialogue took place in Rome in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Social Solidarity.

Sobre informal drug policy dialogue 2007, rome

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The fourth meeting of the TNI/APF info rmal drug policy dial ogue initiative took place in Rome on 9 and 10 November, 2007. The meeting was co-hosted by the Italian Ministry of Social Solidarity, which generously provided hospitality and logistical support. There were around 40 participants from 15 countries and three international organisations. The two-day dialogue was divided into eight sessions:

  1. developments in harm reduction, in the light of the CND 2008 session;
  2. an assessment of the consequences of drug law enforcement with regard to the prison system in the UK and in Latin America;
  3. the Italian experience of allocating confiscated criminal assets to social projects;
  4. the WHO programme on access to controlled medications;
  5. a speech by Minister of Social Solidarity Paolo Ferrero;
  6. the 1998 UNGASS review in the context of institutional reform, system-wide coherence and cooperation between agencies;
  7. the issues of a) a po ssible new control model for cannabis and b) a re assessment of the coca leaf with regard to the UNGASS evaluation in 2008;
  8. expectations of the Thematic Debate in 2008 and the period of global reflection leading to the Ministerial meeting in 2009. 

Participants were also invited to visit Fondazione Villa Maraini, a therapeutic centre in Rome operated by the Italian Red Cross, where they were welcomed by the Chairman of the Italian Red Cross and founder of the ce ntre, Dr Massimo Barra. After lunch at Villa Maraini its director gave a tour of the premises and explained the range of therapeutic services provided. The lunch and visit were greatly appreciated by all participants.

The meeting was guided by ‘the Chatham House Rule’ to encourage both a free exchange of thoughts and co nfidentiality at meetings . Individual contributors therefore remain anonymous and some tactical discussion points have been omitted from this report. The format of the meeting was informal and interactive. For each session a number of people were requested to provide inputs. They were not asked to prepare and deliver full speeches but rather to provide introductory remarks to spark off the round table discussion. Most of the time was devoted to an open discussion between all participants.

This report provides an overview of the views expressed during the meeting that taken together reflect the overall tone of the meeting. These do not represent conclusions, however, and the views expressed do not necessarily represent majority opinions of those present.

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