Video recording: Recipe for Disaster webinar on food systems, inequality and COVID-19


Recording of a webinar TNI organised on 15 April at 4pm (CET), featuring a dialogue with Rob Wallace, author of Big Farms Make Big Flu (2016) and agrarian justice activists in Germany, Indonesia, Myanmar and Palestine on connections between globalised industrial food systems, pathogens and precarious work.


  • Rob Wallace author of Big Farms Make Big Flu and co-author of Neoliberal Ebola: Modeling Disease Emergence from Finance to Forest and Farm.
  • Moayyad Bsharat of Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), member organization of La Via Campesina in Palestine.
  • Arie Kurniawaty of Indonesian feminist organization Solidaritas Perempuan (SP) which works with women in grassroots communities across the urban-rural spectrum.
  • Sai Sam Kham of Metta Foundation in Myanmar.
  • Paula Gioia peasant farmer in Germany and member of the Coordination Committee of the European Coordination Via Campesina.

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