ERPI 2018 Conference Papers: International

In preparation for the ERPI 2018 Conference: "Authoritarian Populism and the Rural World", we have compiled a set of papers submitted by researchers and scholars across the world.

The Emancipatory Rural Politics Initiative (ERPI) focuses on understanding the rise of 'authoritarian populism' in rural settings across the world, as well as the forms of resistance occurring and the alternatives being built. New exclusionary politics are generating deepening inequalities, jobless 'growth', climate chaos, and social division. The ERPI is focused on the social and political processes in rural spaces that are generating alternatives to regressive, authoritarian politics. We aim to provoke debate and action among scholars, activists, practitioners and policymakers from across the world who are concerned about the current situation, and hopeful about alternatives.

On this page, you can find papers focusing on global issues.

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