Towards a treaty on transnational corporations and human rights

Social organisations and movements, communities affected by the operations of transnational corporations, and others fighting for social and environmental justice around the world, will be in Geneva from October 23-26. This will be the third time the Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity mobilises for the establishment of a United Nations (UN) treaty to impose on states and corporations international obligations to guarantee access to justice for affected communities, groups and individuals whose human rights have been violated by transnational corporations.

TNI will be present in Geneva as an active member of this global movement. The Campaign is a peoples’ global structural response to unaccountable corporate power that provides facilitation for dialogue, strategizing, exchanging information and experiences, acting as a space for visibility of resistance and deepening of solidarity and support for struggles against transnational corporations (TNCs).

TNI is also a founding member of the Treaty Alliance, a global coalition of 900 civil society organisations supporting the creation of the UN Binding Treaty.

Read the call to action to Geneva here

Check our Programme of activities

There's also a campaign video

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