TTIP 'Could Prevent Tax Justice' Amid Concerns Over Corporate Courts

Sputnik - Any potential ratification of the controversial TTIP trade deal would play into the hands of large multinational corporations and threaten the ability of EU member states to crack down on tax evasion, new research has claimed.

Ruben Neugebauer / Campact @ Flickr

Anti-TTIP demonstration

"A new study released by research advocate groups Transnational Institute (TNI) and Global Justice Now (GJN), has warned that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, otherwise known as TTIP, would seriously hamper efforts aimed at targeting tax avoidance, over fears that governments could be sued in corporate courts. 

The report titled, 'Taxes on Trial: How Trade Deals Threaten Tax Justice' details how multinational corporations in 24 different countries have used what are known as 'corporate courts' — legal mechanisms included in many trade deals — to sue governments for introducing reforms deemed to harm investment opportunities — even if the reforms are regarded as beneficial for the public good."

"Cecilia Olivet from the Transnational Institute said the trade deals like TTIP need to be challenged to prevent such corporate courts from being allowed to operate in Europe."

Read full article here

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