Soundcloud: The Secure & the Dispossessed: How the Military and Corporations are shaping a Climate-CHanged World

What if government and corporate elites have given up on stopping climate change and prefer to try to manage its consequences instead? In the weeks running up to the major UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21), this event examined issues raised by a new book, 'The Secure and the Dispossessed: How the Military and Corporations are Shaping a Climate-Changed World'


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The book unveils a new climate security agenda in which dystopian preparations by the powerful are already fuelling militarised security responses to the unfolding climate crisis. But it also puts forward and tells the stories of the inspiring alternatives that promise a just transition to a climate-changed world.

Speakers at this event included:

Ryvka Barnard, Senior Campaigns Officer for Militarism and Security at War on Want

Nick Buxton, Communications Manager for Transnational Institute (TNI)

Ben Hayes, a TNI fellow who has worked for the civil liberties organisation Statewatch since 1996

Jo Ram, co-founder of Community Reinvest, an organisation that works with the fossil fuel divestment movement to demystify finance and enable reinvestment of divested funds into a democratic and just energy system

Asad Rehman, co-ordinator of Friends of the Earth's international climate work

This event took place at Free Word Centre on Wednesday 25 November 2015.

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