Water and Power: Are public services still public?

Public water and electricity are back in vogue. Yet many state-owned utilities are now undergoing €œcorporatisation€: they have legal autonomy and manage their own finances. Is this a positive development in the struggle for equitable public services? Or a slippery slope toward privatization?


The book "Rethinking Corporatisation and Public Services in the Global South" explores this rapidly growing trend towards 'corporatisation'. (Also available in Spanish.)

Rethinking Corporatization and Public Services in the Global South - See more at: http://www.municipalservicesproject.org/publication/rethinking-corporatization-and-public-services-global-south#sthash.pVH1MkGr.dpuf
Rethinking Corporatization and Public Services in the Global South - See more at: http://www.municipalservicesproject.org/publication/rethinking-corporatization-and-public-services-global-south#sthash.5h4jLCzJ.dpuf
Rethinking Corporatization and Public Services in the Global South - See more at: http://www.municipalservicesproject.org/publication/rethinking-corporatization-and-public-services-global-south#sthash.5h4jLCzJ.dpuf

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