Public Water For All - Water Justice Toolkit

Water Justice organisations from around the world jointly produced an online water justice toolkit to consolidate our knowledge base and support local campaigns against the corporate takeover of water.

The water justice toolkit is the joint effort of organizations and grassroots groups from around the world, that are loosely connected through the global water justice movement.

The global water justice movement is comprised of social movements, labour groups and NGOs who have worked together to challenge the global mechanisms that have promoted the corporate takeover of water in various forms at the local level.

As a trans-local movement, the global water justice movement has been successful over the decades in connecting local communities and frontline activists to broader struggles against the global neoliberal agenda. A passion for water has been at the heart of the struggles against trade agreements, unsustainable development projects and environmentally destructive extractive operations. Both in the global North and South, this passion for water has politicized and mobilized impacted communities.

Despite the tremendous victories of the past few decades, the global water justice movement is facing increasing threats as the world runs out of fresh water and corporations take advantage of the environmental and financial crises to cement their access to dwindling supplies.

The idea of an online water justice toolkit emerged as a strategy to consolidate our knowledge based and support local campaigns against the corporate takeover of water.

"Public Water for All” is the first module of this toolkit and includes tools to support local campaigns to defend and reclaim public water and sanitation services.

Ideas en movimiento

Impulsa nuestra labor

Si deseas apoyar nuestro trabajo, considera realizar una donación. Nos comprometemos a que nuestra valiosa investigación esté accesible sin costo, pero para eso necesitamos de tu ayuda. Si todas las personas que leen nuestro contenido realizan una donación de tan solo €12 podremos apoyar nuestro trabajo durante tres años.

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