TNI remembers Orlando Letelier 36 years on

In 2012, as the global economic crisis deepens and Occupy Wall Street marks one year,  we remember the visionary work of Orlando Letelier in setting up a programme at TNI for a New International Economic Order.

Thirty six years ago on September 21 1976, Orlando Letelier, Director of TNI and former Chilean Foreign and Defence Minister and Ambassador to the US under the Allende government, was assassinated in Washington DC with a car bomb. He was killed together with Ronni Karpen Moffitt, a young fundraiser at IPS.


TNI and IPS investigators working in cooperation with the FBI, revealed the involvement of the Chilean secret police, DINA, agents of Pinochet's military dictatorship. We also fought for many years to bring to justice those responsible for the death of Letelier and thousands of other Chileans. In the US, IPS continues to host the Letelier-Moffit human rights award to honour these fallen colleagues while celebrating new heroes of the human rights movement in the United States and elsewhere in the Americas.


In 2012, as the global economic crisis deepens,  we remember the visionary work of Orlando Letelier in setting up a programme at TNI for a New International Economic Order. Letelier proposed a global economic framework that put people before corporate profit, a vision that has been promoted by TNI ever since, and rearticulated by the Occupy/Indignado movements over the last year.


> See TNI archive on Orlando Letelier


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