Digital colonialism - Geopolitics of data and development Digital Capitalism course: Session 3

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This masterclass explored how digitalisation has perpetuated global inequality? Who benefits and loses from global value chains? How is the internet and data management governed globally? What are the strategies of the major state digital powers - US, China and Europe – and where does that leave everyone else?


Video by

  • Ulises Mejias
  • Paola Ricuarte
  • Nandini Chami


  • Ulises Mejias, Professor of Communication Studies at SUNY Oswego, co-founder of the Non-Aligned Technologies Movement and co-author of ‘Data Grab: The new Colonialism of Big Tech and how to fight back’ (Penguin 2024) 
  • Paola Ricuarte, Associate professor in the Department of Media and Digital Culture at Tecnológico de Monterrey, co-founder of Tierra Común, dedicated to decolonising data, and regional coordinator of the Feminist AI Research Network 
  • Nandini Chami deputy director of IT for Change and researcher on digital rights and development, and the political economy of women’s rights in the information society.

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