TTIP: big business ‘could sue governments over tax on profits’

Public Finance International - A new trade agreement proposed between the United States and the European Union could allow corporations to effectively sue governments who try to collect tax on their profits, campaigners have warned.

Ruben Neugebauer / Campact @ Flickr

Anti-TTIP demonstration

"A report, published by Global Justice Now and Transnational Institute, outlines how multinational companies would be able to use a provision in the deal to challenge governments on tax matters in a corporate court convened behind closed doors."

" 'This is yet more lining in the pockets of corporate executives stolen from the public taxpayer. New trade deals such as TTIP and CETA have to be stopped and the public interest defended,' said Cecilia Olivet from the Transnational Institute, which works to strengthen international social movements and champion the interests of the world’s poorest people."

Read the full article here

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