TTIP - A giant leap for the EU, but does it pose a risk for the public?

Malta Today - The transatlantic trade and investement partnership (TTIP) between the European Union and the United States aims to increase economic growth and job on both sides of the Atlantic. However, critics say the TTIP agreements threaten public services.

Daniel Chavez

March against TTIP in Amsterdam

A report by freelance writer Thomas Fritz and published by unions Association Internationale de Techniciens, Experts et Chercheurs (AITEC), Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), European Federation of Public Services Unions (EPSU), Instytut Globalnej Odpowiedzialności (IGO), Transnational Institute (TNI), Vienna Chamber of Labour (AK Vienna), and War on Want says that TTIP will target public services for corporate profits.

Read the full article.


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