Feminist Realities: Transforming democracy in times of crisis - webinar recording


An inspiring global panel of feminist thinkers and activists reflect and discuss how we can collectively reorganise, shift power and pivot towards building transformative feminist realities that can get us out of the worsening health, climate and capitalist crises.

Feminist realities -Transforming Democracy in Times of Crisis. 4pm CET, 27 May


  • Tithi Bhattacharya, Associate Professor of History and the Director of Global Studies at Purdue University and co-author of the manifesto Feminism for the 99%.
  • Laura Roth, Lecturer of legal and political philosophy at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, member of Minim Municipalist Observatory and co-author of the practice-oriented report Feminise Politics Now!
  • Awino Okech, Lecturer at the Centre for Gender Studies at School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London who brings over twelve years of social justice transformation work in Eastern Africa, the Great Lakes region, and South Africa to her teaching, research and movement support work.
  • Khara Jabola-Carolus, Executive Director of the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women, co-founder of AF3IRM Hawaii (the Association of Feminists Fighting Fascism, Imperialism, Re-feudalization, and Marginalization) and author of Hawaii's Feminist Economic Recovery Plan for COVID-19.
  • Felogene Anumo, Building Feminist Economies, AWID presenting the #feministbailout campaign

Moderated by Lavinia Steinfort, Transnational Institute

(Please note there is a brief break in the introduction by the moderator due to a recording glitch but all the presentations are intact)

This webinar was co-organised by Transnational Institute and AWID, and co-sponsored by Focus on the Global South, AIDC and DAWN.

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