Does your politician have a drug policy problem? Tell your politicians you won’t sit by while they continue to harm themselves and others

"Your politician is showing all the symptoms of 'Drug Policy Abuse,'" reads the CDPC website. "They refuse to engage in an open and honest discussion of drug use, and instead rehash outdated, fear-based policies, dismissing research that supports new and innovative approaches." The site goes on to gravely implore readers, "It’s time you had 'the talk.'"

"The talk" is the one Canadians need to have with their leaders, and the CDPC website provides links to those politicians’ Twitter feeds so visitors can do just that. Ultimately the campaign hopes to show that politicians don’t need to suffer from Drug Policy Abuse. Produced by the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (CDPC), the would-be public service announcements make the case that the rea ldrug problem in Canada stems from bad policy, not drugs themselves.

Around the world, there are jurisdictions at the national and local levels exploring more effective alternatives to the failed, criminalization-focused drug war. And at the level of the United Nations, more and more countries are proposing that international drug treaties need to be modernized and reformed.

Tell your politicians you won’t sit by while they continue to harm themselves and others.

What is Drug Policy Abuse?

A chronic disease characterized by impaired application of psychoactive drug policy.

Prevalent among legislators, common features include: resistance to change and evidence; preoccupation with being "tough" and sending a punitive message; and an inability to discuss alternative approaches in spite of the adverse physical, psychological and/or social consequences to individuals, families and communities impacted by conventional drug policy.

About Canadian Drug Policy Coalition

CDPC is a broad based network of organizations, associations and individuals working together to develop drug policy and legislation based on evidence, human rights, social inclusion and public health.

Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (CDPC)
Wednesday, January 7, 2014

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