
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. Women Behind Bars Photo essays show the human cost of current drug policy in the Americas

    Drug Law Reform
    Publication by
    Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)
    Publication date:
  2. The Political Economy of Oil Palm as a Flex Crop And its implications for Transnational Advocacy and Campaignings: A Preliminary Discussion

    • Just Transition
    • Flex Crops
    • Climate Crisis
    Paper by
    • Alberto Alonso-Fradejas
    • Juan Liu
    • Tania Salerno
    • Yunan Xu
    Publication date:
  3. Political Economy of the Rise of the Contemporary Industrial Tree Plantation Sector in Southern China

    • Just Transition
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    • Climate Crisis
    Paper by
    Yunan Xu
    Publication date:
  4. CP maize contract farming in Shan State, Myanmar: A regional case of a place-based corporate agro-feed system

    Land and Water Grabbing
    Paper by
    Kevin Woods
    Publication date:
  5. Chinese Agrarian Capitalism in the Russian Far East

    Land and Water Grabbing
    Paper by
    Jiayi Zhou
    Publication date:
  6. Emerging Trends in Global Commodities Markets The Role of Brazil and China in Contemporary Agrarian Transformations

    • Trade
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    Paper by
    Carolina Milhorance de Castro
    Publication date:
  7. Perceptions and Practices of Investment China’s hydropower investments in mainland Southeast Asia

    • Land and Water Grabbing
    • Just Investments
    Paper by
    • Vanessa Lamb
    • Nga Dao
    Publication date:
  8. Tapping into the Rubber Market Opium Replacement and the Role of Rubber in Developing Laos

    Land and Water Grabbing
    Paper by
    Juliet Lu
    Publication date:
  9. Chinese and Other Foreign Investments in the Brazilian Soybean Complex

    • Just Transition
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    • Climate Crisis
    Paper by
    Gustavo de L. T. Oliveira
    Publication date:
  10. New ‘Webs of Power’ and Agrarian Transformations in Cambodia: Where are the women?

    Land and Water Grabbing
    Paper by
    Clara Mi Young Park
    Publication date: