
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. ISDS: Courting foreign investors Why the Commission’s proposal for an “Investment Court System” still fails to address the key problems of foreign investors’ privileges

    • TTIP
    • Free Trade Agreements
    • Investment Protection
    Report by
    • Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B)
    • Cecilia Olivet
    • Marc Maes
    • Pia Eberhardt
    • Natacha Cingotti
    • Ante Wessels
    • Burghard Ilge
    • Peter Fuchs
    Publication date:
  2. Lobby Planet Paris A guide to corporate COP21

    • Just Transition
    • Stop Corporate Impunity
    • Climate Crisis
    Publication date:
  3. Praful Bidwai: Left is indispensable to the health of Indian democracy Excerpts from The Phoenix Moment: Challenges Confronting the Indian Left

    Book by
    Praful Bidwai
    Publication date:
  4. The Bioeconomy

    • Just Transition
    • Food Sovereignty
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    • Flex Crops
    • Climate Crisis
    Publication date:
  5. The Secure and the Dispossessed How the military and the corporations are shaping a climate-changed world

    • Just Transition
    • Climate Security
    • Climate Crisis
    Publication date:
  6. Un futur per l’aigua pública (Catalan) L’experiència mundial de la remunicipalització

    • Water Justice
    • Remunicipalisation
    Book by
    • Satoko Kishimoto
    • Emanuele Lobina
    • Olivier Petitjean
    Publication date:
  7. TNI Brand and logo

    Publication date:
  8. The World Bank Group’s 2013-15 Agriculture for Action Plan A Lesson in Privatization, Lack of Oversight and Tired Development Paradigms

    Report by
    • Eric Holt-Giménez
    • Justine Williams
    • Caitlyn Hachmyer
    Publication date:
  9. Public Services under Attack TTIP, CETA, and the secretive collusion between business lobbyists and trade negotiators

    • TTIP
    • Free Trade Agreements
    • Investment Protection
    • CETA
    Report by
    Thomas Fritz
    Publication date:
  10. The UN Drug Control Conventions A Primer

    • UNGASS
    • UN Drug Control
    • Drug Law Reform
    Primer by
    • Amira Armenta
    • Martin Jelsma
    Publication date: