
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. Neoliberal Sustainability? The Biopolitical Dynamics of “Green” Capitalism Colloquium Paper No. 31

    • Just Transition
    • Green Economy
    • Climate Crisis
    Paper by
    Karijn van den Berg
    Publication date:
  2. Land Confiscations and Collective Action in Myanmar’s Dawei Special Economic Zone Area: Implications for Rural Democratization Colloquium Paper No. 59

    • Land Policy in Myanmar
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    Paper by
    Yukari Sekine
    Publication date:
  3. Reinvigorating the Public Sector: the Case of Food Security, Small-scale Farmers, Trade, and Intellectual Property Rules Colloquium Paper No. 64

    Food Sovereignty
    Paper by
    Susan Bragdon
    Publication date:
  4. Opium meets Development: Exploring the Opium Question in Contemporary Afghanistan Colloquium Paper No. 34

    • UNGASS
    • UN Drug Control
    • Producers of Crops
    • Alternative Development
    Paper by
    Mariam Morid
    Publication date:
  5. The challenge of the Voluntary Guidelines in the Context of National Food Security Colloquium Paper No. 37

    Land Sovereignty
    Paper by
    • Zoe Brent
    • Alberto Alonso-Fradejas
    • Jun Borras
    • Gonzalo Colque
    • Sérgio Sauer
    Publication date:
  6. Is there a Global Environmental Justice Movement? Colloquium Paper No. 16

    Food Sovereignty
    Paper by
    • Joan Martinez‐Alier
    • Leah Temper
    • Daniela Del Bene
    • Arnim Scheidel
    Publication date:
  7. Large-scale forest plantations for climate change mitigation? New frontiers of deforestation and land grabbing in Cambodia Colloquium Paper No. 11

    Land and Water Grabbing
    Paper by
    • Arnim Scheidel
    • Courtney Work
    Publication date:
  8. Flexibilising global agri-biomass value chains: a techno-market fix for resource burdens? Colloquium Paper No. 7

    • Just Transition
    • Flex Crops
    • Climate Crisis
    Paper by
    Les Levidow
    Publication date:
  9. Blue Carbon: Ocean Grabbing in Disguise?

    • Just Transition
    • Fisheries and Fisher peoples
    • Ocean Grabbing
    • Climate Crisis
    Policy issues by
    Mads Barbesgaard
    Publication date:
  10. The Meaning of Land in Myanmar A Primer

    • Just Transition
    • Land Sovereignty
    • Land Policy in Myanmar
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    • Climate Crisis
    Primer by
    • Jennifer Franco
    • Hannah Twomey
    • Pietje Vervest
    Publication date:

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