
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. The challenge of the Voluntary Guidelines in the Context of National Food Security Colloquium Paper No. 37

    Land Sovereignty
    Paper by
    • Zoe Brent
    • Alberto Alonso-Fradejas
    • Jun Borras
    • Gonzalo Colque
    • Sérgio Sauer
    Publication date:
  2. Is there a Global Environmental Justice Movement? Colloquium Paper No. 16

    Food Sovereignty
    Paper by
    • Joan Martinez‐Alier
    • Leah Temper
    • Daniela Del Bene
    • Arnim Scheidel
    Publication date:
  3. Large-scale forest plantations for climate change mitigation? New frontiers of deforestation and land grabbing in Cambodia Colloquium Paper No. 11

    Land and Water Grabbing
    Paper by
    • Arnim Scheidel
    • Courtney Work
    Publication date:
  4. Flexibilising global agri-biomass value chains: a techno-market fix for resource burdens? Colloquium Paper No. 7

    • Just Transition
    • Flex Crops
    • Climate Crisis
    Paper by
    Les Levidow
    Publication date:
  5. Blue Carbon: Ocean Grabbing in Disguise?

    • Just Transition
    • Fisheries and Fisher peoples
    • Ocean Grabbing
    • Climate Crisis
    Policy issues by
    Mads Barbesgaard
    Publication date:
  6. The Meaning of Land in Myanmar A Primer

    • Just Transition
    • Land Sovereignty
    • Land Policy in Myanmar
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    • Climate Crisis
    Primer by
    • Jennifer Franco
    • Hannah Twomey
    • Pietje Vervest
    Publication date:
  7. Illustration notes for the State of Power 2016

    State of Power
    Publication date:
    Re-Asserting Control: Voluntary Return, Restitution and the Right to Land for IDPs and Refugees in Myanmar - cover
  8. To change the heart and soul How elites contained the climate justice movement

    State of Power
    Report by
    Herbert Docena
    Publication date:
    To change the heart and soul cover image
  9. Multi-stakeholderism: a corporate push for a new form of global governance

    • State of Power
    • Multistakeholderism
    Report by
    Harris Gleckman
    Publication date:
    Multi-stakeholderism: A corporate push cover image
  10. The tyranny of global finance

    • State of Power
    • Finance
    Report by
    Walden Bello
    Publication date: