
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. Climate Crossfire How NATO’s 2% military spending targets contribute to climate breakdown

    • Climate Security
    • Climate Crisis
    • Militarism
    Report by
    • Ho-Chih Lin
    • Nick Buxton
    • Mark Akkerman
    • Deborah Burton
    • Wendela de Vries
    Publication date:
    Cover image: Wild fire and fighter jets
  2. Multistakeholderism in global education governance Losses for democracy, profits for business

    Report by
    • Rui da Silva
    • Camilla Croso
    • Giovanna Modé Magalhães
    Publication date:
    Cover image orange color
  3. Energy Transition Mythbusters Unpacking the 6 policy myths that threaten decarbonisation

    • Energy Democracy
    • Just Transition
    • Climate Crisis
    • Democratic Public Services
    Online report by
    • Lavinia Steinfort
    • James Angel
    Publication date:
    Cover image Energy Transition Mythbusters
  4. Multistakeholderism Is it good for developing countries?

    Report by
    Harris Gleckman
    Publication date:
    Multistakeholderism: Is it good for developing countries?
  5. Olive Oil and Water Moving towards sustainable agricultural trade between the EU and Tunisia

    • Trade
    • Agroecology
    • Food Sovereignty
    • Middle East and North Africa
    Issue brief by
    Mustapha Jouili
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  6. Our Future is Public Energy Democracy Movements Declaration

    • Remunicipalisation
    • Democratic Public Services
    • Energy Democracy
    Publication date:
    cover image
  7. Environment and the digital economy trade agenda How do these two spheres fit together?

    • Free Trade Agreements
    • Digital Futures
    Paper by
    Sofia Scasserra
    Publication date:
    Cover image paper
  8. Telling the story of EU border militarization

    Border Wars
    Paper by
    • Transnational Institute
    • Equinox
    • Euromed Rights
    • Privacy International
    • Statewatch
    Publication date:
    Telling the story of EU border militarization title page
  9. Scholar-Activism and Land Struggles

    • Land Sovereignty
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    • Climate Crisis
    Book by
    • Jun Borras
    • Jennifer Franco
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  10. Annual report 2022

    Annual report
    Publication date:
    Cover image

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