
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. One Treaty to rule them all The ever-expanding Energy Charter Treaty and the power it gives corporations to halt the energy transition

    • Investment Protection
    • Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
    Report by
    • Pia Eberhardt
    • Cecilia Olivet
    • Lavinia Steinfort
    Publication date:
    Cover image yellow
  2. The 9th Asian Informal Drug Policy Dialogue

    • War on Drugs
    • Drug Law Reform
    • Harm Reduction
    • Producers of Crops
    • Human Rights and Drugs
    • Drugs and Conflict
    • Drug Policy in Myanmar
    • Decriminalisation
    • Alternative Development
    Publication date:
  3. Paradigm Trap The development establishment's embrace of Myanmar and how to break loose

    • Land Sovereignty
    • Land Policy in Myanmar
    • Just Investments
    Report by
    Walden Bello
    Publication date:
  4. Decriminalise agro-forestry! A primer on shifting cultivation in Myanmar

    • Land Sovereignty
    • Food Sovereignty
    • Land Policy in Myanmar
    Primer by
    Oliver Springate-Baginski
    Publication date:
  5. Flex Crops: A Primer

    • Just Transition
    • Flex Crops
    • Climate Crisis
    Primer by
    • Jun Borras
    • Jennifer Franco
    • S. Ryan Isakson
    • Les Levidow
    • Pietje Vervest
    • Gustavo de L. T. Oliveira
    • Mindi Schneider
    • Ben McKay
    • Sérgio Sauer
    • Ben Richardson
    • Roman Herre
    • Alberto Alonso-Fradejas
    • Juan Liu
    • Tania Salerno
    • Yunan Xu
    • Markus Kröger
    Publication date:
  6. Expanding the fortress The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU's border externalisation programme

    • Border Wars
    • Middle East and North Africa
    Report by
    Mark Akkerman
    Publication date:
  7. Leveraging urban policy for food sovereignty and human rights Think piece series Food for Thought No.3

    Food Sovereignty
    Paper by
    • Paula Fernandez-Wulff
    • Christopher Yap
    Publication date:
  8. Environmentalism and authoritarian politics in Vietnam A new frontier of civil society activism?

    Paper by
    • Thieu-Dang Nguyen
    • Simone Datzberger
    Publication date:
  9. Localisation: a strategic solution to globalised authoritarianism

    Paper by
    Helena Norberg-Hodge
    Publication date:
  10. Disrupting European authoritarianism Grassroots organizing, collective action and participatory democracy during the Eurozone crisis

    Paper by
    • Nikolai Huke
    • David Bailey
    • Mònica Clua-Losada
    • Julia Lux
    • Olatz Ribera Almandoz
    Publication date:

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