
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. Arakan (Rakhine State): A Land in Conflict on Myanmar’s Western Frontier

    • Land Policy in Myanmar
    • Ethnic Conflict in Myanmar
    Report by
    Martin Smith
    Publication date:
  2. A View from the Countryside Contesting and constructing human rights in an age of converging crises

    • Just Transition
    • Climate Crisis
    Policy issues by
    • Katie Sandwell
    • Angélica Castañeda Flores
    • Lyda Fernanda Forero
    • Jennifer Franco
    • Sofia Monsalve Suárez
    • Andrea Nuila
    • Philip Seufert
    Publication date:
  3. Towards a corporate or a people's energy transition? Executive summary of: Contributions for collective reflection

    • Just Transition
    • Climate Crisis
    • Energy Democracy
    Publication date:
  4. UN Common Position on drug policy - Consolidating system-wide coherence

    UN Drug Control
    Policy briefing by
    Martin Jelsma
    Publication date:
  5. The Battle for a New World The Progressive Response to the New Right

    Report by
    John Feffer (ed)
    Publication date:
  6. The Future is Public Democratic Ownership of Public Services

    • Water Justice
    • Energy Democracy
    • Remunicipalisation
    Publication date:
  7. Guarding the fortress The role of Frontex in the militarisation of migration in the European Union

    Border Wars
    Report by
    Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto
    Publication date:
  8. Extractivism and resistance in North Africa

    • Just Transition
    • Climate Crisis
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    • Middle East and North Africa
    Report by
    Hamza Hamouchene
    Publication date:
  9. If I Only had a Heart A DisCO Manifesto

    • Public Community Collaborations
    • Digital Futures
    Report by
    • Stacco Troncoso
    • Ann Marie Utratel
    Publication date:
  10. Selling the Silk Road Spirit China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Myanmar

    Policy briefing
    Publication date: