
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. Eskom Transformed: Achieving a Just Energy Transition for South Africa

    Energy Democracy
    Publication date:
  2. Counter-terrorism and the Arts How counter-terrorism policies restrict the right to freedom of expression

    Pacification and Resistance
    Paper by
    Jane Kilpatrick
    Publication date:
  3. COVID-19 and border politics

    • Border Wars
    • COVID-19
    Policy briefing by
    Mark Akkerman
    Publication date:
  4. Growing back stronger Choosing resilient food systems in the wake of Covid-19

    Policy briefing by
    Jan Douwe van der Ploeg
    Publication date:
  5. Cities versus Multinationals

    • Public Community Collaborations
    • Water Justice
    • Stop Corporate Impunity
    • Remunicipalisation
    • Energy Democracy
    Report by
    • Max Carbonell Ballestero
    • Déborah Berlioz
    • Igor Lasić
    • Kenneth Haar
    • Yago Álvarez Barba
    • Maria Maggiore
    • Benoît Collet
    • Olivier Petitjean
    • Rachel Knaebel
    • Hazel Sheffield
    • Maxime Combes
    • Barnabé Binctin
    • Guernica Facundo Vericat
    • Radek Vrábel
    • Olivier Hoedeman
    • Lina María González Correa
    • Mónica Vargas
    • Eleonora de Majo
    • Blanca Bayas Fernández
    • Alfons Pérez
    • Laia Forné
    • Nuria Alabao
    • Sol Trumbo Vila
    • Emma Avilés
    Publication date:
  6. Cannabis rescheduling What could it mean for Africa?

    • UN Drug Control
    • Drug Law Reform
    • Cannabis
    Policy briefing by
    Dania Putri
    Publication date:
  7. Change Finance, not the Climate

    • Just Transition
    • Energy Democracy
    • Green Economy
    • Climate Crisis
    • Finance
    Publication by
    Oscar Reyes
    Publication date:
  8. Trade unions and the Algerian uprising A Research Report by MENA Solidarity Network

    • New Politics
    • Middle East and North Africa
    Report by
    • Hamza Hamouchene
    • Shelagh Smith
    • Samir Larabi
    Publication date:
  9. Your Land, My Land, Our Land Grassroots strategies to preserve farmland and access to land for peasant farming and agroecology

    • Agroecology
    • Land Sovereignty
    Report by
    • Nyeleni Europe and Central Asia
    • Transnational Institute
    Publication date:
  10. The Future is Public Towards Democratic Ownership of Public Services

    • Democratic Public Services
    • Remunicipalisation
    Publication date: