
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. Using the CFS Tenure Guidelines in struggles for human rights and democratic control of land, fisheries and forests

    Paper by
    • Sofia Monsalve Suárez
    • Jennifer Franco
    Publication date:
    Using the CFS tenure guidelines in struggles
  2. Country Report on Nigeria: Bottom-up Accountability Initiatives to Claim Tenure Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Land and Water Grabbing
    Publication date:
    Report Cover: Nigeria Country Report
  3. Country Report on South Africa Bottom-up Accountability Initiatives to Claim Tenure Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Land and Water Grabbing
    Publication date:
  4. Country Report on Uganda Bottom-up Accountability Initiatives to Claim Tenure Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Land and Water Grabbing
    Publication date:
    Bottom-up accountability Tenure Rights Sub-Saharan Africa
  5. Myths and risks of the EU-Myanmar Investment Protection Agreement

    • Bilateral Investment Treaties
    • Investment Protection
    Policy briefing by
    • Cecilia Olivet
    • Pietje Vervest
    Publication date:
  6. Beyond Panglong: Myanmar’s National Peace and Reform Dilemma

    • Land Policy in Myanmar
    • Ethnic Conflict in Myanmar
    Policy briefing
    Publication date:
  7. Asia and Finance Capital: From the Japanese bubble to China’s financial time bomb

    • China
    • Finance
    Paper by
    Walden Bello
    Publication date:
    Asian financial crisis cover image
  8. Chinese investment in Europe in the Age of Brexit and Trump

    Paper by
    Dorothy Grace Guerrero
    Publication date:
    China EU investment cover image
  9. Annual Report 2016

    Annual report
    Publication date:
    2016 Annual Report thumbnail image
  10. Human Rights as a Key Issue in the Indonesia-EU Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement

    • Trade
    • Free Trade Agreements
    Report by
    Rachmi Hertanti
    Publication date:

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