
In the State of Power Podcast we introduce you to some of the fascinating people we work with to help you make sense of the world’s most complex challenges. In this podcast we share our research, explore alternatives to the status quo and give a platform to scholars and activists who are at the forefront of the fight against the current neoliberal order.

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  1. Wealth and Power (1) Racism with Roger Van Zwanenberg

    Podcast by
    • Roger Van Zwanenberg
    • Shaun Matsheza
    Publication date:
  2. The Case for Apartheid Studies In conversation with Nyasha Mboti

    Podcast by
    • Nyasha Mboti
    • Shaun Matsheza
    Publication date:
  3. People-Powered Movements versus Shell In conversation with Chihiro Geuzenbroek and Anna Bissila

    Podcast by
    • Chihiro Geuzenbroek
    • Anna Bissila
    • Shaun Matsheza
    Publication date:
  4. Extractivism and Resistance in North Africa In conversation with Hamza Hamouchene

    • Land and Water Grabbing
    • Just Transition
    • Middle East and North Africa
    Podcast by
    • Hamza Hamouchene
    • Shaun Matsheza
    Publication date:
  5. Change Finance, not the Climate In conversation with Oscar Reyes

    • Just Transition
    • Climate Crisis
    • Green Economy
    • Finance
    Podcast by
    • Oscar Reyes
    • Shaun Matsheza
    Publication date:
  6. The Global Rise of the Far Right In conversation with Walden Bello

    • Authoritarianism
    • Pacification and Resistance
    • Social Movements
    Podcast by
    • Walden Bello
    • Shaun Matsheza
    Publication date:
  7. People Power and the Pandemic

    • COVID-19
    • Social Movements
    Publication date:
  8. Taking on the Tech Titans Reclaiming our Data Commons

    Publication date:
  9. The “Arab Spring” Lives On Uprisings in Times of Pandemic

    • Arab Uprisings
    • Middle East and North Africa
    • Social Movements
    Publication date:

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